University of Bergen
After receiving my master's degree in public policy from Harvard's Kennedy School, my first professional service was at The White House in the United States. As Staff Assistant to the President (1972-75), my work included analysis of policies aimed at controlling inflation. After returning to Texas, I managed the Houston office of a Washington-based consulting firm specializing in energy-economics. Later, I started my own firm in Texas and Virginia, serving a diverse group of clients over twenty-five years. In Virginia, I also began teaching economics part-time as an adjunct professor at a small college; for the past fifteen years, I have been teaching online courses in macro- and micro-economics. While consulting and teaching, I began using system dynamics simulation modeling tools to analyze clients' micro-economic problems and to develop macro-economic models.
At the age of 54, I became a student again: moving to Norway and earning a PhD in system dynamics (SD) at the University of Bergens. While researching the value added by SD to macro-economic modeling and teaching, I was a senior lecturer teaching the modeling process to students in Bergen's international master's degree program. In 2008, I became a tenured associate professor. My ISM teaching experience began in 2007, first in applied microeconomics and currently in monetary policy--the content of both courses enriched by SD modeling. In addition, I teach master's level courses in economic dynamics at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Ukraine, and seminars in macroeconomic dynamics at the University of Bergen.
- Money supply, price dynamics, and monetary policy;
- Macro- and regional economic modeling;
- Interaction of demographic change and macroeconomics;
- Integration of input-output economic structure and system dynamics modeling;
- Integration of public policy implementation analysis and system dynamics modeling.
Current projects includes modeling price dynamics in the Euro Area, modeling money supply dynamics in Ukraine, developing an economic model of the U.S. state of North Dakota, and developing a series of generic policy design and implementation models to aid public policy planning and analysis.
- Monetary policy
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- System dynamics modeling
- Policy design & implementation