Tautvydas Ragulskis

ISM Doctoral student in Economics
El. paštas: ragutaut@stud.ism.lt

Tautvydas Ragulskis is a full-time doctoral student in Economics. His research is supported by Moody’s Lithuania. His research topic is “Game Theory-based model linking company financial performance and sustainability” supervised by Prof. Valdonė Darškuvienė.


He graduated MA (Honors) Economics with Finance from the University of Edinburgh and an MSC Financial Economics from ISM University of Management and Economics. He also cofounded Extrica publishing house and currently holds the position of Chief Financial Officer. 


The reason why he chose to pursue a PhD in Economics at ISM University of Management and Economics is that the University is one of the leading educational institutions in Lithuania and provides the state of the art education and knowledge for its students.

