ISM SUSTAINABILITY COMMUNITY MEETUP. Global Perspectives: Revealing ESG in Mega Projects Across Different Countries

Pastarieji metai vadovams pametėjo ne vieną iššūkį. Kasdienybė, atrodo, tik pagreitėjo, o nuolatiniai išorės ir vidaus pokyčiai bei neapibrėžtumas skatina ieškoti išteklių, kaip įsikvėpti, pasisemti motyvacijos, energijos ir jėgų.
Tad šių metų susitikimą REUNION’24 skirsime vadovų bendruomenės vienybei stiprinti. Lyderiai sutinka: „Bendrystė ir vieningumas padeda eiti į priekį, o ypač šiais laikais."
Kaip kviečia G&G Sindikatas: „Laikas keistis, brolau, laikas keistis“. Keistis, tobulėti, paleisti senas tiesas ir mokytis yra daug lengviau su tais, kurie pripažįsta, kad kartu nežinoti visko – drąsiau.
Tad kovo 13-osios vakarą susitiksime, dalinsimės energija, skatinsime bendradarbiaujančią lyderystę ir įkvėpsime vieni kitiems ryžto keistis ir siekti daugiau. O tam, kad judėtume vienu ritmu, šiam vakarui dovanojame G&G Sindikato pasirodymą.
Registruokis ir kviesk studijų bičiulius prisijungti!
Vakaro aprangos kodas – „Visi savi“: mylimiausi sportbačiai ir ISM džemperis* ar tai, kas leidžia jaustis laisvai.
*Esant poreikiui, ISM x Kalinkin džemperius galėsite įsigyti vakaro metu.
Kartu mes esame nepralenkiama jėga, tad susivieniję galime prisidėti prie prasmingos iniciatyvos auginant jauniausius mūsų bendruomenės narius. Registruojantis į REUNION’24 kviečiame jus įsigyti simbolinį bilietą (20 EUR ar kita priimtina suma) ir taip prisidėti prie ISM Socialinių stipendijų fondo. Šios stipendijos kasmet suteikia galimybę gabiems ir talentingiems, bet finansinius ir socialinius sunkumus patiriantiems vaikams studijuoti ISM universitete.
ISM socialinei-skatinamajai stipendijai kasmet lėšas renka ISM bendruomenė, mokslą, švietimą ir išsilavinimą laikanti prioritetu bei tikinti, kad finansiniai sunkumai neturi būti kliūtis jo siekti.
„Aš nuoširdžiai noriu padėkoti už galimybę studijuoti ISM su pilna stipendija. Tai suteikia man vilties, kad galiu ateityje pasiekti ambicingiausius savo tikslus ir pakeisti savo šeimos istoriją. Dabar galiu jaustis drąsiai, kad akademinės žinios, išsilavinimas priklausys tik nuo mano paties pastangų ir gebėjimo mokytis“, – dalinasi šios stipendijos gavėjas.
Nuo 2013 metų absolventų, mecenatų ir visos ISM bendruomenės įsitraukimo dėka net 21 jaunuoliui buvo suteikta galimybė nemokamai studijuoti jų svajonių programose.
Are you ready to elevate your career and make a lasting impact in the world of business? Join us at the "ISM International Masters' INFO Session" an exclusive event designed to connect prospective students with groundbreaking master's programs that redefine the future of business.
Explore Distinctive Master's Programs and Meet Programs directors:
- International Marketing and Management (Dr. Dominyka Venciūtė): Become a marketing expert with the best-rated program in Lithuania, offering market-oriented insights from professionals and globally-minded academics.
- Business Sustainability Management (Dr. Virginija Poškutė): Shape the future as a sustainability leader. Develop and implement cutting-edge strategies to mitigate environmental impact.
- Financial Economics (Dr. Pijus Krūminas): Master the art of financial expertise using mathematical statistics and econometric models. Recognized by international FIBAA accreditation.
- Innovation and Technology Management (Prof. Dr. Vida Škudienė): Transform into a team manager equipped to drive innovation and sustainable business initiatives, setting yourself apart as a change-maker.
- Global Leadership and Strategy (Prof. Dr. Vita Akstinaitė): Accelerate your executive career. Gain the experience, knowledge, and skills needed to become a formidable executive leader.
Date & Time: 5th of March, 6 PM EET
Location: Online
❗ Grab your spot before it's gone! Register now.
More about ISM International Master's Studies:
Dive into the world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) management and explore its impact with experts from Lithuania and Germany on October 11th. Discover the latest sustainability regulations, covering everything from carbon emissions to worker safety, and gain insights into the evolving role of organizations in a global context. This event is tailored for industry professionals, practitioners, students, and sustainability enthusiasts eager to understand the pivotal role of ESG in today's world. Don't miss your chance to be part of the conversation!
🎓 Prof. Dr. Josef Wieland - Chair of Institutional Economics, Organisational Governance, Integrity Management and Transcultural Leadership at Zeppelin University (Germany) and is the Director of the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin | LEIZ
📚 Dr. Virginija Poškutė - an economist and social policy analyst, and head of Business Sustainability Management master’s programme at ISM University
🌾 Gediminas Judzentas - Sustainability & Marketing Director at AUGA group.
🌍 Tobias Grünfelder - research fellow at the chair of Institutional Economics at Zeppelin University and a lecturer at ISM University
📖 Dr. Jonathan Boyd - ISM University; Senior Sustainability Consultant at Vesta Consulting
🗓️ Date: October 11th
🚪 The door opens: 16:30
⏰ Event starts: 17:00
📍 Location: Gedimino ave. 7, Vilnius, Lithuania
Registration HERE
More about ISM Master studies HERE
Būsimas magistrantūros studente, ISM kviečia Tave pasinaudoti unikalia galimybe ir pajusti ką reiškia magistrantūros studijos dar prieš jas pradedant! Atvirų paskaitų metu turėsi progą pabendrauti su studentai ir dėstytojais, apsilankyti paskaitose, apžiūrėti naująjį ISM pastatą bei pasikalbėti su ISM priėmimo komanda.
Šiuo metu galite sudalyvauti šiose paskaitose (sąrašas nuolat pildomas):
Date: 10 a.m. on the 12th of September 2023
Location: ISM University of Management and Economics, room 102. Gediminas av. 7, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Prof. dr. Justina Baršytė (Vilnius University, ISM University of Management and Economics, Social Sciences, Management – S 003).
About Doctoral Dissertation:
While we know a lot about the effects of external and internal factors driving (un)heathy eating, research still has to offer more valid and powerful ways how to guide consumers and convince them to make better eating choices. The line of work on health-related behaviour has little addressed evolutionary, personal, and social identity perspectives. This dissertation aims to understand (1) how to reconcile mixed findings of the previous literature, showing that consumers prefer products with small companies' cues vs. large companies’ cues (2) how to reconcile conflicting findings, showing that overachievers can serve as a source of inspiration to improve own behaviour or as a trigger for reactance. To reach this aim I apply the evolutionary psychology perspective, specifically, proximate and ultimate consumer motives relevant to health-related behaviour. In addition, I analyse two distinct identity perspectives – personal identity related to individuals’ traits (in this case general sensitivity to disease and consumer social responsibility) as well as social identity (related to group membership). The empirical evidence shows that consumers tend to evaluate small size company products as healthier than large size company products and it also has a downstream positive effect on consumer willingness to buy. In addition, this dissertation investigated whether the effectiveness of overachieving behaviour depends on the overachiever’s group membership. The findings of this dissertation provided evidence that being exposed to overachievers presented with in-group membership causes a backfiring effect when people are less willing to follow overachievers’ behaviour. Moreover, I explored the underlying mechanism explaining why the behaviour of the overachievers part of the in-group, but not the out-group, backfires. The empirical evidence suggested that this effect is driven by distancing from the group. The results of this dissertation shows that certain health-related behaviors are based on personal identity characteristics, other behaviors are determined by our social identity, furthermore, the understanding of health-related consumer behavior can be enriched by looking through the evolutionary psychology perspective.
Defense board members
Prof. dr. Viltė Auruškevičienė (ISM University of Management and Economics, Social Sciences, Management – S 003)
Prof. dr. Vita Akstinaitė (ISM University of Management and Economics, Social Sciences, Management – S 003)
Prof. dr. Yannick Joye (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Management – S 003)
Assoc. prof. Giacomo Marzi (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy, Social Sciences, Management – S 003)
Prof. dr. Sigitas Urbonavičius, (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Management – S 003)
The dissertation is available at the Martynas Mažvydas National library and the Library of ISM University of Management and Economics.