Prof. Dr. Alfredas Chmieliauskas


Prof. dr. Alfredas Chmieliauskas, baigęs matematikos studijas Vilniaus universitete (1978), įgijo daktaro laipsnį kompiuterių sistemų ir tinklų srityje Latvijos mokslų akademijoje Rygoje (1989). Jis taip pat baigė viešojo administravimo ir politikos magistrantūros studijų programą Hamline universitete, Saint Paul, Minesota, JAV (1994).

Alfredas Chmieliauskas is a co-founder (1999) and president (2014-2018) of ISM University of Management and Economics in Vilnius, Lithuania. Currently, he is a faculty member of ISM and teaches courses in undergraduate, graduate and executive education programs. His teaching areas include project, program, and portfolio management, innovation and change management. Apart from teaching at ISM and other Lithuanian universities, he lectures internationally (in Europe and US).

Alfredas Chmieliauskas is a co-founder (2004) and president (2004-2015) of Lithuanian Project Management Association. He holds an A-level certification from International Project Management Association (IPMA) and is a first national assessor appointed by IPMA. As a consultant and owner of a project management consulting company, he provided training and consulting services to more than 250 business and public sector organizations.

Currently, he also serves as a board member of the Lithuanian Government Strategic Analysis Center (STRATA).

In recent years research interests of Alfredas Chmieliauskas focus on different aspects of project work in organizations. Together with his colleagues, he received the ISM Research Team of the Year Award (2018) for publications in high-ranking international journals. In 2019, he was a member of a large scope international research project led by prof. Ralf Muller from BI Norwegian Business School, that received the International Project Management Association Research Award for analyzing balanced leadership phenomenon in projects.

Research areas

  • Project work in organizations

Teaching areas

  • Project, Program, and Portfolio Management
  • Innovation and Change Management


