Dr. Klaas Stek

Visiting professor at ISM, Assistant Professor at University of Twente in Netherlands
Email: klaste@faculty.ism.lt

Dr. Klaas Stek combines an assistant professorship in purchasing and supply management with a trailblazer role in establishing the European Lab for Innovative Purchasing and Supply at the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. Coordinating a master course Purchasing Management at the University of Twente for Industrial Engineering Management students, he combines a mix of cognitive and non-cognitive learning objectives in his classes; for instance, he formalised creativity and inventiveness and added appropriate didactics and assessment tools.
Dr Stek contributed to several European Horizon and Erasmus+ projects. He participates as a member of projects on designing purchasing and supply management curricula and (online) courses, a benchmarking tool, and didactics introducing serious gaming elements in lectures aimed at competencies in the era of Industry 4.0 and the circular economy innovative solutions towards sustainability.
In his activities and international projects, he is connected with public procurement organisations and institutions, practitioners associations, companies, and universities and business schools in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Due to his expertise and publications, Dr Stek is invited to readings, webinars and workshops at national and international symposia, in academia, for professional organisations and companies. The main topics are purchasing and supply management, business-to-business and business-to-public-sector marketing, Industry 4.0 and Procurement 4.0, circular economy, personal skills and competencies development and novel statistical methodologies.

Research areas

  • Purchasing and Supply Management
  • Reverse Marketing
  • Competences and Knowledge Management
  • Soft and Hard Skills

Teaching areas

  • Purchasing and Supply Management