Dr. Stig Irving Olsen

Visiting professor at ISM, Associate professor at Technical University of Denmark
Email: stiols@faculty.ism.lt

Stig Irving Olsen is associate professor at the section for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment at DTU Management Engineering at Technical University of Denmark. He was educated as Environmental biologist from University of Copenhagen with a postgraduate education as toxicologist from the same university. He has a total of 9 years experience as a consultant in the field of toxicology and ecotoxicology. After some years as a consultant he did an Industrial PhD in “Life Cycle Assessment of basic chemicals” from Technical University of Denmark with 5 industrial partners, the main one being Novo Nordisk. He combined his knowledge and entered into methods development for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of toxic impacts, an area in which he was chairman for a SETAC working groups in 1999-2001 and later member of an ensuing WG. He found interest in nanotechnology and became member of a working group at the Danish board of technology and were invited to a number of governmental workshops in the US and EU. He is delegate for Denmark in OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials, SG9 (Environmentally sustainable use of Manufactured Nanomaterials. He has also studied other emerging technologies such as 3rd generation biofuels. He has served as a reviewer of research proposals for EU, Sweden, Germany, Portugal and Switzerland. He is senior editor and member of founding board for the journal Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management and submission editor for International Journal of LCA.

Research areas

Life Cycle assessment

Life Cycle management

Decision making

Emerging technologies

Teaching areas

Sustainability management


