Jan Vanthienen is full professor of information systems at KU Leuven (Belgium), Department of Decision Sciences and Information Management in the Research Center Information Systems (LIRIS), where he is researching on business intelligence, analytics, business rules, processes & decisions, and information management.
He has published more than 200 full papers in reviewed top international journals and conference proceedings. His Google Scholar page shows an h-index of 50. He is or was (co-)chairholder of five research chairs with industry. He received an IBM Faculty Award in 2011 on smart decisions, and the Belgian Francqui Chair 2009 at FUNDP. He is co-founder and president-elect of the Benelux Association for Information Systems (BENAIS).
Jan has built extensive expertise in the areas of decision modeling and analytics. He is actively involved in the Decision Modeling & Notation standard (DMN) at OMG, integrating and distinguishing business processes and business decisions. He is also member of the IEEE task force on process mining, and co-author of the Business Process Mining Manifesto.
Jan is a member of Leuven.AI – KU Leuven Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Currently he is chair of the Department of Decision Sciences and Information Management and programme coordinator of the Master of business and information systems engineering.