Academic Writing and Presentation Skills (HUM108)

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Course description

Academic Writing and Presentation Skills belong to the field of scientific work, and therefore must meet the general requirements of this type of work both in terms of structure, presentation and formalization, and content. High-quality academic works are written and presented in a scientific style, in correct, clear and precise Lithuanian language. The academic writing and presentations course discusses the structure of academic papers (introduction, teaching part, conclusions), the structure of a scientific text. Students learn to analyze scientific text and presentations, edit and refine them, become aware of norms, and learn to create their own individual scientific text, formalize it according to the general requirements of the work, evaluate the quality of the text and express and justify their opinion. Stylistic features of scientific style are discussed: abstractness, precision, objectivity, logic, their linguistic features and expression in text and oral presentation.

Course goals

The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge about the structure of academic works, the most important features of scientific style and writing, specific means of expression of scientific style and the formalization and oral presentation of those works, to improve skills in creating an individual scientific text, to properly formalize and present it.

Course results

  • Be able to structure the text of an academic work;
  • Be able to create a logical sequence of paragraphs by stating, explaining and summarizing existing and new information;
  • Be able to properly cite and retell the thoughts of other authors in the text;
  • Be able to properly formalize academic works in accordance with the general requirements applicable to them;
  • Be able to follow the norms of common language and scientific style;
  • Be able to independently analyze your presentations and prepare a targeted presentation, be able to argue the decisions made; present the results of their work in writing and orally;
  • Be able to work individually and in a team.

