The Final Bachelor Thesis (FBT) is an independently prepared thesis, which summarizes the knowledge, abilities, and skills acquired in the course of studies and serve as a substantiation of the international business qualification awarded.
1.1. Students have to write the FBT about the same company in which the Internship was taken before. This shall ensure the practical approach of the FBT. Any exception has to be confirmed by the Program Director (PD) and is only granted in the following cases:
1.2. Due to the International scope of the study program, an international aspect has to be an essential element of the FBT. Generally speaking – internationalization is defined as “business that covers aspects of more than one (national) market”. The nationality/citizenship of the student, the country of origin of the company or the country where the company is legally registered is hereby irrelevant. The current size of the company, as well as the stage of internationalization (if the company is only in one country or already in several markets) is for that issue irrelevant as well.
In case the topic fails to fulfil any of the requirements – permission from the PD has to be obtained. Examples of “international aspects” are:
Foreign market entrance; Assessments of new geographical market; Introduction of a product in a new market; Internal and external communication aspects, which involve two or more international markets/ business units; Comparative brand attitudes among markets; Global or regional brand portfolio management; Adaptation of global strategy to a specific national market, International human resource management.
1.3. A relevant problem of a company/institution should be analyzed in the FBT. Aim of the work is to provide solutions to this relevant problem. The FBT is prepared during the seventh semester of studies and grants 15 ECTS credits.