The course deepens the understanding of Agile business development.
We’re building more products than ever before, but most of them fail—not because we can’t complete what we set out to build, but because we waste time, money, and effort building the wrong product.
The Lean Startup is a new approach being adopted across the globe, changing the way companies are built and new products are launched. Students will familiarize themselves with the principles and step-by-step instructions and get comfortable iterating Lean Startup Canvas.
The other framework that gained the acceleration today is Google Sprint.
The Google Ventures Design Sprint is a collaborative problem-solving methodology that teams use to address their big product challenges in only five days. We will use the Design Sprint Kit templates on the visual collaboration tool MURAL to solve the emerging business challenges in just 5 days.
Students will apply the knowledge gained in the course for their continues complex project and participating in the international hackathon.