ISM Doctoral programme in Economics is designed to develop competencies allowing to identify relevant economic, financial and societal problems, to conduct high quality research and publish their results in internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals.
Doctoral students are encouraged to take part in international internships and courses at foreign Universities and to obtain European Doctorate Certificate together with their Doctoral diploma.
ISM doctoral student research contributes to the understanding of monetary policy and financial asset valuation, analysis of economic sector networks and the spread of economic shocks, national tax competition and corporate tax evasion, financial behaviour, corporate insolvency, the impact of emerging technologies on financial and labour markets, sustainability and other economic phenomena in the different contexts.
Part-time doctoral studies provide an opportunity to combine a professional career with a doctorate. The knowledge and research skills acquired in doctoral studies provide an opportunity to apply research-based solutions in professional activities.
ISM Doctoral Studies in Economics are organized together with Vytautas Magnus and Mykolas Romeris University.
Objectives of the course – to deepen econometrics knowledge. Main themes: The classical linear regression model. Model specification. Violation of the assumption of the basic model, eg. heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation, multicollinearity. Dummy variables. Simultaneous equations models. Time series.
Study forms: individual work, consultations, exam.
An activity course involving practical experience in planning a research project, designing questionnaires, sampling, interpreting results and preparing a research report. The course provides an introduction to research methods used in business and management. It covers qualitative and quantitative methods, using primary and secondary data. The course is designed to provide students a solid foundation for conducting their own research and for critically evaluating and reading prior academic research.
The course presents the fundamentals of the research process. The knowledge and competencies acquired in the study process will enable students to make methodological decisions in designing and planning research.
The overall goal of the course is to equip students with the skills necessary to perform research.
Objective of the course – to introduce to the modern economics issues, to develop economic thinking. After this course students must to gain skills in analyzing and evaluating the macroeconomic processes using modern economic theories.
Form of studies: Lectures and seminars.
Thematic: modern economic theories and macroeconomic analysis
Didactics of higher education is an applied branch of education science. The following issues are analyzed in this course: the main phenomena of education and their relationship; the most significant teaching and learning theories; learning by doing. Teaching methods and their applications are covered: lectures, learning in small groups, projects, case studies, discussions, workshops, debates, brainstorming, etc. The other issues are teaching resources; teaching models for effective learning (consecutive and problem based), development of study programs and their logic, goals, tasks and structure; strategies for the development of productive learning environment; open and distance learning; control, assessment and evaluation of study results; assessment systems; problems of study quality assurance at university: dimensions, standards, criteria and methods.
The aim of the course is to help the participants to acquire an intellectual identity through an understanding of the main problems and positions in the theory and philosophy of the human and social sciences as this is reflected in the discussions of these issues in the last half century and give the participants an understanding of the relation to the history of these science The objective of the course should be fulfilled by giving an introduction to fundamental problems in the philosophy of the human and social sciences and to some important positions concerning the nature and methods of these sciences. The course also aims to relate such problems and discussion to issues of research design and methodology and to the function of these sciences in relation to issues of problem solving in society and in business organisations. In discussions time and attention will be dedicated to the doctoral student research projects development. During the course students will work and develop their own research and at the end of the course will present the extended introduction and research plan of a doctoral dissertation.
Applicants must submit an online application
Below you will find available topics in Lithuanian and English, as well as potential supervisors.
Payment details for the admission fee:
Payment code: 190 Study code: 140 Payer code: 11999998
Beneficiary: ISM University of Management and Economics
Adresas: Gedimino pr. 7, Vilnius, Lietuva
Company code / VAT code: 111963319 / LT119633113
Bank: Luminor Bank AS
Account No.: LT574010049500436891
Amount: €150 (if only the tuition fee is paid)
*Per semester
Doctoral Committee is composed of researchers from all participating partner universities, co-ordinates, and assures the quality of doctoral studies and scientific research. Doctoral Committee evaluates research topics of doctoral students, approves individual study programs, considers doctoral supervision issues, monitors doctoral student research progress, and assesses the quality of doctoral dissertations.
Doctoral Committee of Economics: