Upon the decision of the ISM Admissions Committee, the best candidates holding Ukrainian citizenship may be granted a 25% discount on the tuition fee in effect at the time of admission. (Taikoma tik užsienio studentams)<\strong>
Upon the decision of the ISM Admissions Committee, the best candidates holding Ukrainian citizenship may be granted a 25% discount on the tuition fee in effect at the time of admission.
The scholarship is awarded to young people engaged in active sports, arts, social, political, or entrepreneurial activities during pre-admission. (Applicable only to citizens of Lithuania)
ISM's 15% family discount is granted to undergraduate students whose at least one parent, adoptive parent, guardian, brother, or sister is enrolled, studying, or has completed ISM's bachelor's, international, or management master's, or doctoral studies.
The ISM 75% scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students with a competitive score of 9 and above on the exams. (Applicable only to citizens of Lithuania)