First-time applicants who pass the ISM Academic Knowledge Test with the highest scores may be eligible for tuition fee discounts of up to 100% of the student's tuition fees. (Applicable to foreign students only)
First-time applicants who pass the ISM Academic Knowledge Test with the highest scores may be eligible for tuition fee discounts of up to 100% of the student's tuition fees. (Applicable to foreign students only)
Kitos magistrantūros studijų finansavimo galimybės
Geriausiems kandidatams, turintiems Ukrainos pilietybę, ISM priėmimo komisijos sprendimu gali būti taikoma 25% nuolaida priėmimo metu galiojančiai studijų kainai. (Taikoma tik užsienio studentams)<\strong>
For Foreign nationals who have spent a semester at ISM during their undergraduate studies under the exchange and double diploma programmes may, at the time of admission, by the decision of the ISM Admissions Committee, be granted a discount of up to 25% off the price of the International Master's degree in effect at the time of admission.
Stipendiją gali gauti tarptautinės magistrantūros studijų studentai, priimti į ISM aukščiausiais konkursiniais balais ir (arba) nusipelnę už išskirtinius studijų ir mokslo rezultatus. Stipendija dengia iki 50 % studijų kainos.