
Best Dissertations in Lithuania in 2021

Esminės lyderio savybės. Praktinė sesija. Sausio 10d. 17:00


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1 35 36 37 38 39 110

Congratulations to dr. Kristina Griškevičienė, whose doctoral dissertation “The Impact of Intermediate Production Networks on Aggregate Fluctuations and the Transmission of Shocks” was recognized as the best in Lithuania in the fields of Economics and Management “Best Dissertations in 2021” contest! Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Valdonė Darškuvienė (ISM).

The dissertation was prepared at the ISM Doctoral Program in Economics.

The competition is patronized by the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda.

Congratulations to dr. Kristina Griškevičienė, whose doctoral dissertation “The Impact of Intermediate Production Networks on Aggregate Fluctuations and the Transmission of Shocks” was recognized as the best in Lithuania in the fields of Economics and Management “Best Dissertations in 2021” contest! Scientific supervisor – prof. dr. Valdonė Darškuvienė (ISM).

The dissertation was prepared at the ISM Doctoral Program in Economics.

The competition is patronized by the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda.
