
Conference: New Technologies at Work: Challenges for Employees and Organizations

Successfully Aging Employees: What Makes Older People Productive at Work?


Karjeros konsultantas įvardija, kokias specialybes renkasi šiuolaikiniai moksleiviai


Best Dissertations in Lithuania in 2021

1 39 40 41 42 43 110

10:00-12:00 EET (Lithuanian time) November 26, 2021


The conference is held online






Prof.dr. Jannis Angelis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and IFN Research Institute of Industrial Economics (Sweden)


New technologies at work: the research performed


Prof.dr. Ilona Bučiūnienė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Assoc.prof.dr. Irina Liubertė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Researcher Raimonda Valickienė, ISM University of Management and Economics


New technologies adoption: job change and individual adaptivity


Prof.dr. Bernadeta Goštautaitė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Assoc.prof.dr. Irina Liubertė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Prof.dr. Patricia Reay, Alberta School of Business (Canada)


New technologies adoption: employee well-being and the role of HRM


Prof.dr. Ilona Bučiūnienė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Prof.dr. Antonio Moniz, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)


*The conference is organized in the framework of the project „Sustainable Human Resource Management in the Context of Emerging Technologies“ funded by European Social Fund (project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0156) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania.


Contact person: Monika Augūnaitė, tel +370 61291440; monaug@archive.ism.lt

10:00-12:00 EET (Lithuanian time) November 26, 2021


The conference is held online






Prof.dr. Jannis Angelis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and IFN Research Institute of Industrial Economics (Sweden)


New technologies at work: the research performed


Prof.dr. Ilona Bučiūnienė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Assoc.prof.dr. Irina Liubertė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Researcher Raimonda Valickienė, ISM University of Management and Economics


New technologies adoption: job change and individual adaptivity


Prof.dr. Bernadeta Goštautaitė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Assoc.prof.dr. Irina Liubertė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Prof.dr. Patricia Reay, Alberta School of Business (Canada)


New technologies adoption: employee well-being and the role of HRM


Prof.dr. Ilona Bučiūnienė, ISM University of Management and Economics

Prof.dr. Antonio Moniz, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)


*The conference is organized in the framework of the project „Sustainable Human Resource Management in the Context of Emerging Technologies“ funded by European Social Fund (project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0156) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania.


Contact person: Monika Augūnaitė, tel +370 61291440; monaug@archive.ism.lt
