
ISM Research Communicator Award 2020

ISM International Master's INFO Session |2024-03-05 6PM


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Consultant-expert Benas Adomavičius and Professor dr. Bernadeta Goštautaitė were awarded for the presentations of their research in the media and for the society at large.


Benas Adomavičius presented the results of his research on The impact of COVID-19 on Lithuanian Businesses (one out of the number of articles you may read on Business News).


Bernadeta Goštautaitė presented the results of her and co-authors’ research on older workers’ sickness absence (for an example see 15min.lt ), how the older employees coped with work from home during COVID-19 (one of the articles – delfi.lt ), how to earn the loyalty of a young employee ( lrt.lt ), why some workers burn out during a pandemic and others are stress-resistant (lrytas.lt) and on other topics related to age diversity.


Congratulations to Benas and Bernadeta!


Consultant-expert Benas Adomavičius and Professor dr. Bernadeta Goštautaitė were awarded for the presentations of their research in the media and for the society at large.


Benas Adomavičius presented the results of his research on The impact of COVID-19 on Lithuanian Businesses (one out of the number of articles you may read on Business News).


Bernadeta Goštautaitė presented the results of her and co-authors’ research on older workers’ sickness absence (for an example see 15min.lt ), how the older employees coped with work from home during COVID-19 (one of the articles – delfi.lt ), how to earn the loyalty of a young employee ( lrt.lt ), why some workers burn out during a pandemic and others are stress-resistant (lrytas.lt) and on other topics related to age diversity.


Congratulations to Benas and Bernadeta!

