
ISM Research Communicators Award 2019

STEP UP 2: skiriamos studijų stipendijos, pokyčių siekiantiems viešojo sektoriaus vadovams


VMI vadovė E. Janušienė: „Sakyti „aš viską žinau“ pavojinga“


ISM išeitis neišlaikiusiems matematikos egzamino – moksleiviai ir pasirengs perlaikymui, ir studijuos

1 52 53 54 55 56 110

Associate Professor Dr. Ieva Augutytė-Kvedaravičienė and Professor Dr. Rūta Kazlauskaitė are awarded for the presentation of the results of their research on The Influence of Office Environment on Employee Performance and Well-being in the media and for the society at large: one out of the number of articles you may read on Business News.

Congratulations to Ieva and Rūta!


Associate Professor Dr. Ieva Augutytė-Kvedaravičienė and Professor Dr. Rūta Kazlauskaitė are awarded for the presentation of the results of their research on The Influence of Office Environment on Employee Performance and Well-being in the media and for the society at large: one out of the number of articles you may read on Business News.

Congratulations to Ieva and Rūta!

