
ISM Scholar of the Year 2020

Bendravimo išsiilgę žmonės buriasi į socialinius klubus: tobulėja ir pamiršta vienatvės jausmą


Duris atvėrė antra ISM „Verslo klasė“: moksleiviai gilinsis į ekonomiką, finansus ir verslą


Checking out new products on the store shelf? This may signal certain traits of your personality

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ISM Scholar of the Year 2020 Award is granted to ISM doctoral student, a participant in the prestigious European Central Bank Graduate Programme, a participant in the PhD internship at the International Monetary Fund, Asian & Pacific Department in Washington, a participant in PhD traineeship at the European Central Bank, Market-based Finance Division in the Directorate General Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability in Frankfurt, and ISM Assistant Researcher Kristina Griškevičienė (Barauskaitė), for her outstanding achievement and excellence in conducting research and publishing in top-tier journals in the area of Economics.



ISM Scholar of the Year 2020 Award is granted to ISM doctoral student, a participant in the prestigious European Central Bank Graduate Programme, a participant in the PhD internship at the International Monetary Fund, Asian & Pacific Department in Washington, a participant in PhD traineeship at the European Central Bank, Market-based Finance Division in the Directorate General Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability in Frankfurt, and ISM Assistant Researcher Kristina Griškevičienė (Barauskaitė), for her outstanding achievement and excellence in conducting research and publishing in top-tier journals in the area of Economics.


