
ISM Scholar of the Year 2021

Tėvai nori daugiau dalyvauti mokyklos gyvenime – dalį stabdo mokytojų atsakas


Druskininkų ligoninės direktorė: „Geras vadovas turi lemtingą įtaką organizacijos sėkmei“


V. Čijunskytė: „Ta pati klaida turi tik tris gyvybes“

1 37 38 39 40 41 110


ISM Scholar of the Year 2021 Award is granted to Professor Dr. Vita Akstinaitė for her outstanding achievement and excellence in conducting research and publishing in top-tier journals in the area of Leadership.


ISM Scholar of the Year 2021 Award is granted to Professor Dr. Vita Akstinaitė for her outstanding achievement and excellence in conducting research and publishing in top-tier journals in the area of Leadership.
