
ISM University – a member of the Circular Economy Alliance

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ISM has joined the Circular Economy Alliance. This organisation implements circular economy projects globally, significantly promotes the application of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) principles, the creation of sustainable development indices, and shared value creation.

In collaboration with the Circular Economy Alliance and École des Ponts Business School, a well-known business school, ISM will become a centre that gathers the crucial circular economy knowledge. We are ready to share the latest circular economy expertise and global practices with students as well as private and public sector representatives.

In this context, one of the most important steps that ISM is taking is the start of the long-awaited Master’s in Business Sustainability Management programme.

You can register for the programme HERE

Learn more about Circular Economy Alliance HERE.

ISM has joined the Circular Economy Alliance. This organisation implements circular economy projects globally, significantly promotes the application of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) principles, the creation of sustainable development indices, and shared value creation.

In collaboration with the Circular Economy Alliance and École des Ponts Business School, a well-known business school, ISM will become a centre that gathers the crucial circular economy knowledge. We are ready to share the latest circular economy expertise and global practices with students as well as private and public sector representatives.

In this context, one of the most important steps that ISM is taking is the start of the long-awaited Master’s in Business Sustainability Management programme.

You can register for the programme HERE

Learn more about Circular Economy Alliance HERE.
