
Research Seminar: Key decisions in (sustainable) academic careers

Seminaras: Kaip rašyti mokslinį tyrimo projektą?


Kvietimas teikti straipsnius tema Sustainability marketing and sustainability management


Kaip sėkmingai pasitelkti intuiciją priimant verslo sprendimus ir naujus komandos žmones?


ISM kindly invites you to participate in the ISM Research Seminar on Key decisions in (sustainable) academic careers led by Dr Olga Ryazanova (Maynooth University, Ireland). The Seminar is scheduled to be held on campus, on 27 October 2022 (15:00-17:00), in room 412.


Dr Olga Ryazanova is a Lecturer in Management at Maynooth University, Ireland. She has completed her PhD at University College Dublin (Ireland). Her research focuses on academic careers and scientific performance in academia, and has been published in top journals, including Academy of Management Learning & Education, Research Policy, and the Journal of World Business. Dr Ryazanova currently serves as an Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education journal. She has previously served as a Research Coordinator and Secretary of the Management Education & Development division of the Academy of Management. The research discussion will continue with the presentation of Doctoral student Jolanta Preidienė on Academic Staff Mobility During the Pandemic.

Please register online in advance until 25 October, 2022.

ISM kindly invites you to participate in the ISM Research Seminar on Key decisions in (sustainable) academic careers led by Dr Olga Ryazanova (Maynooth University, Ireland). The Seminar is scheduled to be held on campus, on 27 October 2022 (15:00-17:00), in room 412.


Dr Olga Ryazanova is a Lecturer in Management at Maynooth University, Ireland. She has completed her PhD at University College Dublin (Ireland). Her research focuses on academic careers and scientific performance in academia, and has been published in top journals, including Academy of Management Learning & Education, Research Policy, and the Journal of World Business. Dr Ryazanova currently serves as an Associate Editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education journal. She has previously served as a Research Coordinator and Secretary of the Management Education & Development division of the Academy of Management. The research discussion will continue with the presentation of Doctoral student Jolanta Preidienė on Academic Staff Mobility During the Pandemic.

Please register online in advance until 25 October, 2022.
