
Online Conference: Why and Under What Conditions Do People Start Making Healthier Decisions?

ISM International Master's INFO Session |2024-03-05 6PM


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Japonijos verslą pažinusi studentė: apie dėmesį startuoliams, Europos talentams ir laisvėjančią darbo kultūrą


We kindly invite you to participate in the online conference “The Impact of Nudges on Consumption: Why and Under What Conditions Do People Start Making Healthier Decisions?”, which will take place on 14th December 10:00-11:30.


This conference is especially relevant for state institutions, non-governmental organizations, business and communication consultants, and socially responsible businesses, which are looking for opportunities to encourage the population to make healthier decisions. Representatives of the academic community are also kindly invited to participate in the event.


In presenting the research carried out, special attention will be paid to the possibilities of putting scientific insights into practice, i.e., what influences consumers’ decisions and how they can be subtly motivated to make these consumption decisions more health-friendly. Thus, it will provide an opportunity to get to know the target audiences more deeply and get acquainted with new opportunities to subtly motivate them towards more favorable solutions.


Please find the detailed program attached.


Contact person: Zivile Kaminskiene; +370 682 93 777; zivile.kaminskiene@archive.ism.lt

We kindly invite you to participate in the online conference “The Impact of Nudges on Consumption: Why and Under What Conditions Do People Start Making Healthier Decisions?”, which will take place on 14th December 10:00-11:30.


This conference is especially relevant for state institutions, non-governmental organizations, business and communication consultants, and socially responsible businesses, which are looking for opportunities to encourage the population to make healthier decisions. Representatives of the academic community are also kindly invited to participate in the event.


In presenting the research carried out, special attention will be paid to the possibilities of putting scientific insights into practice, i.e., what influences consumers’ decisions and how they can be subtly motivated to make these consumption decisions more health-friendly. Thus, it will provide an opportunity to get to know the target audiences more deeply and get acquainted with new opportunities to subtly motivate them towards more favorable solutions.


Please find the detailed program attached.


Contact person: Zivile Kaminskiene; +370 682 93 777; zivile.kaminskiene@archive.ism.lt
