
The Targeted Sustainability Scholarship for a doctoral research

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ISM, bendradarbiaudamas su Moody’s Lietuva, kuria Verslo tvarumo centrą. Siekdamas plėtoti tvarumo temą, ISM įsteigė tikslinę nuolatinių ekonomikos doktorantūros studijų (4 metai) vietą ir skiria stipendiją už tvarumo tematikos nagrinėjimą. Stipendija skiriama stojat 2022 m. vyksiančio priėmimo metu.


The Targeted Sustainability Scholarship is offered for full time doctoral studies (4 years) in Economics and is dedicated to a doctoral research on financial evaluation of environmental, social and governance activities as well as other sustainability initiatives of companies.


The Targeted Sustainability Scholarship includes additional grant of 600 EUR/month to the state scholarship for full time doctoral studies, covering tuition fee and the doctoral student grant of 798 EUR/month for 1st study year, and 924 EUR/month for 2nd - 4th study years.


Kandidatai bus atrenkami pagal tyrimo projektą ir priėmimo į ISM Ekonomikos doktorantūros studijas kriterijus.


For more information please contact phd@archive.ism.lt .

ISM, bendradarbiaudamas su Moody’s Lietuva, kuria Verslo tvarumo centrą. Siekdamas plėtoti tvarumo temą, ISM įsteigė tikslinę nuolatinių ekonomikos doktorantūros studijų (4 metai) vietą ir skiria stipendiją už tvarumo tematikos nagrinėjimą. Stipendija skiriama stojat 2022 m. vyksiančio priėmimo metu.


The Targeted Sustainability Scholarship is offered for full time doctoral studies (4 years) in Economics and is dedicated to a doctoral research on financial evaluation of environmental, social and governance activities as well as other sustainability initiatives of companies.


The Targeted Sustainability Scholarship includes additional grant of 600 EUR/month to the state scholarship for full time doctoral studies, covering tuition fee and the doctoral student grant of 798 EUR/month for 1st study year, and 924 EUR/month for 2nd - 4th study years.


Kandidatai bus atrenkami pagal tyrimo projektą ir priėmimo į ISM Ekonomikos doktorantūros studijas kriterijus.


For more information please contact phd@archive.ism.lt .
