Project results: The first Lithuanian and Estonian business cases created during the project are allocated for manager training.
This project is funded by the European Commission. This publication [report] reflects only the author’s point of view, therefore the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of information provided therein.
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Tik stojant išankstinio priėmimo metu:
Gali gauti iki 100% nuolaidą studijoms.
Turėsi galimybę gauti praktikos pasiūlymą ir susipažinti su darbdaviais.
Būsi vertinami, ne tik tavo pažymiai, bet ir motivacija.
You will experiment, learn through experience, get acquainted with the world of technology and, most importantly, discover your place in it. After your studies, you will be able to develop a startup or move up the career ladder in a variety of innovative companies.
You will get a strong foundation in management, develop analytical skills and solve real problems faced by companies. You will delve into marketing, human resources, finance and processes.
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