
ISM Associate Professor Irina Liubertė's recognition

Lietuvos švietimo lyderė V. Dabrišienė: „Mokykloje turiu tik vieną slaptą tikslą“


G. Buivydas. „E.sveikata – viešojo sektoriaus IT iniciatyvų įkaitė“


Komunikacijos krizių ekspertas Yago de la Cierva: „Gynybinė vadovų reakcija yra klaida“

We are thrilled and proud of our brilliant professors who constantly receive worldwide recognition.
Congratulations to ISM Associate Professor Irina Liubertė who has received the Academy of Management Discoveries Best Reviewer 2023 award at the Academy of Management Meeting in Boston.
We are thrilled and proud of our brilliant professors who constantly receive worldwide recognition.
Congratulations to ISM Associate Professor Irina Liubertė who has received the Academy of Management Discoveries Best Reviewer 2023 award at the Academy of Management Meeting in Boston.