
ISM Associate Professor Irina Liubertė's recognition

Dvylikta klasė ir egzaminų baimė: ką pataria psichologai ir buvę abiturientai?


Discussion with Jean Philippe Bonardi "How should boards rethink strategy?" February 2nd, 6 pm


Kokias problemas sprendžia vadovai? MBD Open Mic. Sausio 25 d. 18:00

We are thrilled and proud of our brilliant professors who constantly receive worldwide recognition.
Congratulations to ISM Associate Professor Irina Liubertė who has received the Academy of Management Discoveries Best Reviewer 2023 award at the Academy of Management Meeting in Boston.
We are thrilled and proud of our brilliant professors who constantly receive worldwide recognition.
Congratulations to ISM Associate Professor Irina Liubertė who has received the Academy of Management Discoveries Best Reviewer 2023 award at the Academy of Management Meeting in Boston.