
ISM Scholar of the Year 2021

Organizacija skaitmeninėms inovacijoms nepasiruošusi? O jūs, kaip vadovas (-ė)?


Pusė visų projektų žlunga: kaip vadovui užtikrinti neišvengiamai sėkmingą rezultatą?


Stresas, asmeninės savybės ir mityba: kaip jie susiję?



ISM Scholar of the Year 2021 Award is granted to Professor Dr. Vita Akstinaitė for her outstanding achievement and excellence in conducting research and publishing in top-tier journals in the area of Leadership.


ISM Scholar of the Year 2021 Award is granted to Professor Dr. Vita Akstinaitė for her outstanding achievement and excellence in conducting research and publishing in top-tier journals in the area of Leadership.
