
Research Seminar: On Doing Better Empirical Science

Lietuvos švietimo lyderė V. Dabrišienė: „Mokykloje turiu tik vieną slaptą tikslą“


G. Buivydas. „E.sveikata – viešojo sektoriaus IT iniciatyvų įkaitė“


Komunikacijos krizių ekspertas Yago de la Cierva: „Gynybinė vadovų reakcija yra klaida“


On 24 November 2022, an internationally recognized researcher, Editor-In-Chief for The Leadership Quarterly Journal, Prof. John Antonakis (University of Laussane) delivered a seminar On Doing Better Empirical Science for ISM faculty and doctoral students. At the seminar, participants discussed what makes an empirical contribution scientific and likely to shift the field.  Prof. John Antonakis shared his experiences as editor of a high-impact journal, as well as informed by his previous research.

On 24 November 2022, an internationally recognized researcher, Editor-In-Chief for The Leadership Quarterly Journal, Prof. John Antonakis (University of Laussane) delivered a seminar On Doing Better Empirical Science for ISM faculty and doctoral students. At the seminar, participants discussed what makes an empirical contribution scientific and likely to shift the field.  Prof. John Antonakis shared his experiences as editor of a high-impact journal, as well as informed by his previous research.
