
Seminar: How to write a Research Proposal?

Dvylikta klasė ir egzaminų baimė: ką pataria psichologai ir buvę abiturientai?


Discussion with Jean Philippe Bonardi "How should boards rethink strategy?" February 2nd, 6 pm


Kokias problemas sprendžia vadovai? MBD Open Mic. Sausio 25 d. 18:00


We kindly invite all those interested in doctoral studies at ISM University to participate in the seminar: How to write a research proposal? During the seminar, you will get acquainted with the essential requirements of a doctoral dissertation and research project. The seminar will be led by Ilona Bučiūnienė, ISM Professor and Dean of Doctoral Studies.


The seminar will take place on May 4th (Wednesday) at 12 a.m remotely.


For additional information, please contact:


E-mail: phd@archive.ism.lt

We kindly invite all those interested in doctoral studies at ISM University to participate in the seminar: How to write a research proposal? During the seminar, you will get acquainted with the essential requirements of a doctoral dissertation and research project. The seminar will be led by Ilona Bučiūnienė, ISM Professor and Dean of Doctoral Studies.


The seminar will take place on May 4th (Wednesday) at 12 a.m remotely.


For additional information, please contact:


E-mail: phd@archive.ism.lt
