
The application process to Erasmus Mundus Master‘s programme has begun

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ISM University in partnership with HEC Liège and Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM), have launched an Erasmus Mundus Master‘s programme with a major in Impact Entrepreneurship.


The programme is dedicated to future entrepreneurs who want to make an impact and lead sustainable change in our societies.


The 18-month programme starts in September 2022 with 30 credits per semester and every semester will be held in a new location – Liège, Belgium, Zagreb, Croatia, and Vilnius, Lithuania.


Applications are open until March 21st. Leap into this multicultural experience that will equip you with an entrepreneurial mindset and will give you the tools to make an impact.


Full scholarships are available for candidates!


Find out more and apply online HERE.


With the support of the European Commission!




ISM University in partnership with HEC Liège and Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM), have launched an Erasmus Mundus Master‘s programme with a major in Impact Entrepreneurship.


The programme is dedicated to future entrepreneurs who want to make an impact and lead sustainable change in our societies.


The 18-month programme starts in September 2022 with 30 credits per semester and every semester will be held in a new location – Liège, Belgium, Zagreb, Croatia, and Vilnius, Lithuania.


Applications are open until March 21st. Leap into this multicultural experience that will equip you with an entrepreneurial mindset and will give you the tools to make an impact.


Full scholarships are available for candidates!


Find out more and apply online HERE.


With the support of the European Commission!


