
ISM Research Communicator Award 2021

Alaus akcizų poveikio tarpvalstybinei prekybai Baltijos šalių pasienio regionuose analizė


Paskutinę minutę abiturientai studijas užsienyje iškeitė į Lietuvą: kokie įspūdžiai po pirmų metų?


A. Kurganovas: vadovui kartais reikia patvirtinimo, kad jis eina teisingu keliu 



Professor Dr Vita Akstinaitė was awarded for the presentation of the results of her research on the Bright and Dark Side of Leadership in the media and the society at large (one out of the number of articles you may read on Business News).


Congratulations to Vita!


Professor Dr Vita Akstinaitė was awarded for the presentation of the results of her research on the Bright and Dark Side of Leadership in the media and the society at large (one out of the number of articles you may read on Business News).


Congratulations to Vita!
